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University Police and Campus Safety
University of Mississippi

Reporting Crimes of Sexual Nature

The University of Mississippi Department would like to encourage anyone who has been or becomes the survivor of a crime of a sexual nature to seek assistance as soon as possible after the incident. Resources exist that are designed to provide both physical and emotional support and counseling for sexual assault survivors. Regardless of the decision to pursue an investigation into the incident by law enforcement, we strongly encourage sexual assault survivors to report such incidents to law enforcement and seek out the other mechanisms of support that are available, regardless of where the incident occurs. Contact information for local law enforcement as well as other resources that may be helpful is listed below. For emergency situations, always dial 911.


Law Enforcement

University of Mississippi Police and Campus Safety

662-915-7234 (non emergency) 662-915-4911 (emergency)


Oxford Police Department

662-232-2400 (non emergency) 911 (emergency)

Mississippi Crime Victims Bill-of-Rights