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University Police and Campus Safety
University of Mississippi

University Police Records Check

A local police records check is a check if an individual has any traffic or criminal records, incident reports, offense reports, citations/summons, protective orders, or any other documented contact with our department.

  • An individual seeking to obtain their local police records check from UPD will need to come to the University Police Department in Kinard Hall Wing C, Room 220 with a picture ID. An authorization for the release of personal information must be completed in our office by the person requesting the records check. This service is offered for a fee of $27. We only accept Visa or Mastercard.
  • Government Agencies may obtain a police records check for no charge by either Fax: (662) 915-5371, email:, or going to the University Police Department in Kinard Hall Wing C, Room 220. A signed authorization for release of personal information is mandatory.